ExecEd Return on Learning Assessment

Return on Learning Outcomes

Do you have evidence of learning outcomes for your non-degree executive education programs?

Evaluation of learning outcomes is critical to the success of educational offerings as well as demonstrating value to prospective clients and participants. We help schools measure and demonstrate that they are committed to ensuring their executive education programs provide maximum value and contribute to participants’ personal and professional goals.

Our ExecEd Return on Learning Assessment places learners central by assessing their satisfaction with the executive education program and how successfully they have applied new knowledge and skills within their organization. The executive education outcomes assessment also measures how their learnings impacted their organization. These web-based quantitative executive assessments can be applied to open enrollment as well as custom programs.

Common questions:

  • What are the participants’/clients’ program selection process and purchase behavior? Which factors motivated attendance?
  • Which other university-based and non-university ExecEd providers were considered? Why was our program chosen?
  • How have participants’ skills/competencies improved since completing the program?
  • How have participants implemented their executive education learnings?
  • What impact did executive education experience have on the participants’ organization since they returned to work?
  • What challenges or obstacles were encountered in implementing what was learned in the ExecEd program?
  • How well did the executive education program perform on learning attributes?
  • What are the participants’ future needs? What are they seeking in career/learning development?
  • How can our executive education programs meet their needs? Would participants consider referring or returning to our school for EE or other programs?

How we can help:

Percept Research has developed a template questionnaire that is designed to provide future benchmarking to other university-based ExecEd providers. Through a collaborative partnership between your school and our consultant team, this survey instrument is customized to align with the executive education offerings of the school with outcomes competencies relevant to the type of ExecEd programs offered (e.g., Leadership, Business Acumen, Marketing, Finance, Strategy/Innovation).

We typically implement a phased approach in which the first phase is a baseline study of all participants from the most recent academic year in a single survey fielding event. The next phase is a tracking study of participants over the course of monthly fielding events within the academic year. The fielding events will be scheduled approximately 3 months after the largest outtake months of the year allowing time for the participants to actualize learning outcomes in their workplace.

Our reports provide advanced analyses including categorizing participants/clients based on a loyalty index. All of the survey metrics are correlated to the loyalty index (as a measure of derived importance) to develop Key Driver Maps. Based on the needs of the school, the results are additionally segmented by geographical region, participant gender, program type, etc.

As an optional bonus objective, we recommend soliciting opt-in ‘opportunity leads’ within the latter portion of the survey instrument. By this, we would gauge participants’ interest in attending additional ExecEd programs offered by the school with an option to request more information. The survey fielding itself can provide more utility and return on marketing investment with this approach.